Live Report: Congrats to 2011 NACVA/IBA Award Winners

BVR adds its congratulations to leading volunteers and “Wall of Fame” award winners from NACVA this year.   Among those honored:

  • John Marcus (LA) received the “Circle of Light” award for educational contributions
  • Greg Gadawski (OR) was honored with the Instructor of the Year award
  • Mark Kucik (IL) earned the Thomas Porter Lifetime Achievement Award
  • Outstanding members include Peter Agrapides, Ed Giardina, David Mensel, Mark Pawlowski, Greg Reardon, Judith Wagner, David Wood, and Howard Zandman.
  • And, in a sweep for the Northeast, Kathleen Buzbee (CT), Ed Heben (NY), and Nick Nichols (MA) received the State Chapter President Leadership awards. 

Lari Maston, and Howard Zandman, of course, were appointed as new members of the NACVA Executive Advisory Board.

And, finally, one of the most intense (or suicidal) volunteer roles is organizing an annual meeting.   This year’s 2011 Planning Committee was chaired by Mel Abraham, Steve Egna, Mike Kaplan, Karen Kaseno, and Sherry Smith.   Also, a big round of applause to Marc Bello who chaired the day-long Current Update in Valuations Symposium.
