New private company transactions added to BIZCOMPS

We’ve just added over 400 new private company transactions to BIZCOMPS, bringing the total in the database to over 12,000.   BIZCOMPS focuses on small company transactions; the median selling price of the companies added is $166,000.   So, it’s a perfect resource for market comparables when your subject company is a “mom and pop” or sole proprietorship.

By the way, there are also two major new feature enhancements in this popular private company transaction database:

  1. In addition to calculating arithmetic means and medians, search results now also provide the harmonic mean, a better measure of central tendency that gives equal weight to each valuation multiple used in your analysis.
  2. Plus, your BIZCOMPS subscription now includes the BIZCOMPS/BVR Deal Review, a special publication that analyzes general trends, valuation multiples and operating ratios for transactions in the BIZCOMPS database, available exclusively from BVR. To view the current issue, login at Subscriber Services.
