Website ‘takedown’ products join the copyright infringement loss arsenal

BVWire's best estimate on losses incurred annually from copyright infringement is $30-35 billion annually. These mostly web-originated offenses collectively affect the music, film, literature, and photography sectors. (Each sector tends to keep its own loss score which makes it difficult to identify a single authoritative source that provides unembellished and unbiased tallies.)

New technologies and legal strategies are appearing almost daily to counter these losses. For example: the San Diego based Copyright Enforcement Group is launching a monitoring product touted as a ‘takedown service’ to deter copyright infringement.  The product, appropriately called WWW Takedown, will provide monitoring and validation processes covering all types of web-based content, i.e., audio, video, logo, image, trademark and text.

Enforcement is sadly going to be part of the equation no matter how much new technology appears. A key component is estimating damages. One of several relevant products BVR offers is Calculating Loss Profits in IP and Infringement Cases.
