Two foundational information tools support worldwide technology transfer

At universities and research centers worldwide, increasing emphasis is being placed on developing technology transfer. IPBlog receives recruiting ads daily, and, unfortunately, technology transfer is often promoted in the mistaken belief that it will lead to substantial additional income for an institution. While it is important to appreciate and protect the value of intellectual property originating from ideas and efforts of an institution’s researchers and to facilitate the transfer of research results, generating income should not be the primary objective of the transfer of technology.

As discussed in Intellectual Property Management in Health and Agricultural Innovation, the job of the Technology Transfer Officer is to create the incentives needed to move discovery into the product development arena, motivating academic researchers not by the sole promise of high profits—which rarely appear (AUTM’s statistics indicate one in 200 licenses reaches the $1M in revenue mark) —but by applying royalty benefit streams towards further research in the inventor’s laboratory, and by balancing some financial reward to the inventor with the satisfaction of seeing his or her work used for public benefit. (Mike Moberly refers to that relationship-building process as "onboarding," and IPBlog and BVR will be exploring that in detail at a later date.)

Two foundational products are offered by BVR to support the technology transfer endeavor. Technology Transfer Strategies – A Guide to Maximizing Returns Within the Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Industries explores the recognized and increasing need for a better understanding between all stakeholders in the biopharmaceutical and pharmaceutical community concerning the efficient transfer of technologies created from early innovative research to the commercialization of new product technologies. The report provides foundational underpinnings for every technology transfer effort and the organizational rationale for opting to invest in technology transfer along with the specific strategies for major technologies transferred.

Licensing professionals within technology transfer departments more and more assess the value of technology and prepare for industry negotiations with ktMINE, the premier license and royalty rate database, featuring nearly 10,000 non-redacted, full-text licenses with variable royalty rates, immediately accessible through multiple, user-friendly search tools.
